In our in-company initiatives, we work with internal teams and with the senior executive team (of the whole organisation or business unit involved) to assess the key practices that drive value creation and value capturing. Connecting strategic relevance and business performance with leadership, behaviour and internal climate.
Based on years of research and hands-on experience, we developed a methodology that allows to co-create awareness, understanding and alignment on the critical interventions needed to improve value creation. Through the role (modeling) and leadership (behaviours) of the senior leadership team, we accelerate a movement, to build a ‘fearless organisation’, for improved and renewed value creation.
Participating companies profit from the insights, research and experience in the broader Value Creation Initiative. They can choose to share and sharpen their insights with peers from other organisations in one of the executive circles (see below). Chatham House-rules guarantee a safe environment for an open dialogue.
- Clear and actionable roadmap for sustained value creation in your company.
- Executive Team alignment on the critical interventions to strengthen value creation, based on interactions with and input from the organisation.
- Exposure to and inspiration from leading edge experts and peers from other organisations.
- A unique chance to be at the forefront of and contribute to the new insights and the ‘next’ practices that accelerate the new ways of value creation.
- Participating in this multi-company initiative will not only benefit you, your board and your company, but also the wider business community.