We started in 2001 as the Executive Learning Partnership with the conviction that there must be a better way to ‘architect your growth’. Through our years of hands-on executive experience, our 20 years of existence as ELP Network and our research partnerships with leading academics, we have developed a vision, a repertoire and methodology to make organisations thrive in today’s volatile and fast changing landscape.
We experience that growth is the reward for courageous leaders, curious to look at what is (next), outside and inside, daring to choose the critical path forward, willing to take the deliberate actions needed, over and over again.
Lasting impact
We design and intervene, for result and impact. No ‘l’art pour l’art’.
We leave behind the capabilities, mindset and drive for people to think, do and behave differently. We groom ‘fishing capacity’ over ‘selling you fish’.
Leading edge
Through our Value Creation Initiative, a research-in-action project with leading academics like Prof. Paul Verdin and Prof. Amy Edmondson, we continue to discover and apply new practices to grow leaders, teams and businesses, together.
International network
Our network provides you with the scope, depth and variety to meet your needs. Our professionals have diverse backgrounds, combining business savvy with behavioural sensitivity, rigour with playfulness, care with dare, to team with you.
Rapport, not reports
We work with you, not to you. You are the builder, we are the architect. Jointly creating space for growth.
Working with the people in the field, on the issues on (and below) the table, in real time. Going beyond power points sitting in a folder.
delivered playfully
Your organisation is unique and different.
We start from what is already there, adding tools, instruments and approaches, that work, for you. Creating a can-do climate and playful context to try and experiment. Bespoke experiences that last.
Online and offline
S, M, L and XL
Our hybrid approach combines the powerful experience of face-to-face interactions, with the efficiency and convenience of online formats. Our tailored app creates the depth to touch people, beyond a pure cognitive level.
For us, growing organisations are purposeful communities that move together to create better, different and more value for their customers, and to capture that value. To stay and be relevant, today and tomorrow.